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Welcome to the IP-Checker homepage!

Just go ahead and download IP-Checker from the table below!

If you have any questions or problems related to IP-Checker, please head over to the FAQ (Frequently Anwered Questions). If you don't find an answer to your question, do not hesitate mailing me on .

If you want more information about IP-Checker, just go to the information page. There you'll find screenshots, the ReadMe-file the What's New-file and more. Also, remember to join the IP-Checker mailinglist!

Download IP-Checker 1.21!

Full Install

Description: The main package with all the needed dll-files. Unexperienced users should download this.
Size: 1719 KB   Release Date: 16th October 1999
Server Link Location ipc121f.exe North Europe/Norway
Cosmo3D ipc121f.exe North Europe/Norway
WinSite ipc121f.exe North America/USA

Basic Install

Description: The program executables only. This requires the Visual Basic 6 Runtimes installed.
Size: 584 KB   Release Date: 16th October 1999
Server Link Location ipc121b.exe North Europe/Norway
Cosmo3D ipc121b.exe North Europe/Norway
WinSite ipc121b.exe North America/USA

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Hits since 29 September 1998: